Smith Valley Park and Recreation Board Monday, April 3, 2023 6:00 pm

Smith Valley Park and Recreation Board
Monday, April 3, 2023 6:00 pm
Smith Valley Justice Court 2 Day Lane Smith, NV

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1) CALL TO ORDER- The meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm. Chairperson Dan
Pommerening led the pledge.
2) ROLL CALL/ DETERMINATION OF QUORUM- Present: Dan Pommerening, Charmi Mitchell, Elaine Albright, Dave Vick, Cathy Balda and Debbie Hockaday. Absent: Excused- Mark Phillips and Alice Horton. Unexcused- Brittany Bennett
5) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION: REVIEW AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA- Elaine moved, seconded by Charmi to approve the agenda as presented. Passed 5-0.
6) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION: APPROVAL OF MINUTES of March 6, 2023 meeting- Debbie
moved, seconded by Charmi to approve the minutes as presented. Passed 5-0.
7) TREASURER’S REPORT- There is $9,134.55 in the account. Elaine moved, Charmi
seconded to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Passed 5-0.
8) COMMUNITY REPORTSa) Lyon County Commissioner/Manager Office- Dave Hockaday declared a disaster for Lyon County. The Governor came to see damage and we have more money coming in to assist per the lobbyist hired in Washington D.C.
a) Discussion and update on generator and building for generator for arena power for the
Residential Construction Tax- Dan dug the holes and cut the pipe. He will call for an
inspection and then move forward with the process.
b) Update on playground equipment- Judge shared that mid April it should be dry enough
to move equipment around without damage and complete the project.
c) Update on cover for scale- Discussion covered on line item A. The permit is good until
May 2023.
d) Update on tennis/basketball/pickle ball court- Judge shared the curb will be started
soon. The asphalt needs almost a year to settle before they can seal and stripe it.
e) Update on fertilizing quote from Ralph- Ralph will get us a quote for the tractor pull area.
f) Update on opening restrooms- Judge shared they are open and water is on. Dave Vick
clarified that the county will be maintaining the cleaning of the restrooms.
g) Update on door latches and locks on Little League concession stand and equipment
room- Judge shared the latches are changed. Cathy is now waiting on getting keys to
match the new locks.
h) Update on water being turned on at the park- Judge shared the water will be turned on
on March 8. Sprinklers will be turned on around the 10th or 13th of March.
i) Update on replacing windows in concession stands- Judge shared all are in except for 1
which will get done soon.
10) For Possible Action: Update for purchasing equipment and needs for the announcing
system for the arena- Voted on and approved at last meeting in March. We are waiting on
approval from the county.
11) For Possible Action: Approve arena improvements by donation from Rotary- tabled until
Rotary President returns.
12) For Possible Action: Review and direction of SV Parks Board updates for arena fees,
maintenance and usage agreement- Judge shared the development plan is trying to make all areas and usage of the arenas the same across the county. Business licenses will be needed to hold events. Events can get temporary business licenses. The board can also choose to “sponsor” certain events/organizations to waive fees. All of the plans will go in front of the commissioner board before agreements are made.
13) For Possible Action: Update on softball field baseline grass quote to help with mud and
water absorption.- tabled until Dave gets a quote from Justin LaFleur.
14) For Possible Action: Discussion and approval of location and type of bench for Richard
Bein Memorial Bench to be put at the park- Judith Harker presented 2 different benchespowder coated metal bench with plaque and a recycled plastic bench with printed letters. Both benches are 6 foot long. Dave Hockaday recommends a steel plate welded on the bench instead of a plaque that is screwed on for durability purposes. Dan asked about maintenance of the bench. Judith shared that they would help maintain the bench when it is needed. The location of placing the bench on the walkway to the gazebo facing the softball field was shared. It was also discussed that the SV Park Board will prep the ground and concrete slab area to make sure no sprinklers will be in the way and then the concrete and bench will be funded by groups supporting the memorial bench. Elaine moved that they use a metal powder coated bench with a steel plate welded on the back rest with Richard Bein’s memorial etched in it and to place it on the walkway to the gazebo facing the softball field. The motion was seconded by Charmi. Passed 5-0
16) CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS- Dan shared the next meeting date will be May 1, 2023 at 6:00 pm.
18) ADJOURN MEETING- Chair Dan adjourned the meeting at 6:34 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Charmi Mitchell, Secretary

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